A year from now you wish you would have started. You wished you would have taken that cooking class, gone out on that date, gone to the gym, bought that book, taken that trip, spent more time with your kids… worked on and in your business.
Why aren’t you working on your business and why aren’t you learning new techniques to bring in more sales? Why aren’t you practicing your awesome? It’s May five months into the year and how is business going? Have you jumped ship? How many businesses have you started this year?
A year is going to pass whether you buckle down or not. It takes self-discipline to succeed in your business. It takes a clear vision and massive action. Your skill set will decide your learning curve. Here is the good news. Start now you will be further than and in a year you may not be where you want to be but you will be further than where you are now.
In the middle of all the talk about goal-setting, ask yourself these questions:
What Will Your Life Look Like This Time Next Year?
Can you picture your life a year from now? What does it look like? Are you debt-free? Are you still working at your job? How much income is your business producing? Success in your business starts with you. Your personal development is essential to your business.
Invest in yourself. Get involved with a mastermind group of entrepreneurs who can guide you in the right direction. Invest in books on personal development, marketing, and personal finance. Get with your doctor and get on a healthy eating lifestyle. Being rich and sick is not fun.
What Does Your Business Look Like?
The whole point of being in business is to make money. A year from now how much money do you see yourself making? How many sales are you making per day? Did your business help you pay off your debts, fund your retirement, pay for your kid’s school, or help you take a family vacation? In 12 months these are the questions you have to ask yourselves.
Write down what you want. Make a list of 10 goals you would like to carry out within the next 12 months. Get a notebook and rewrite those goals every day. Write it down and it will happen. Then get intense. Nothing happens without energy.
Developing New Habits
To achieve your goals there will be changes. You have to get rid of bad habits like procrastination. You may have to wake up an hour earlier to put in the reps in building your business. Nothing happens without great effort. You can not continue to do the same things expecting a different result.
Are you ready to change? Passion will drive you to your new destination. First, make sure you are in the right business. Second, follow the right leaders. Take a look at your last 12 months. Where did you fall short? Where did you quit, get tired, angry?
That’s not a question you have to answer, but it is a question you should think about. Because, really, that’s the type of question that is the catalyst for behavior change. That’s what spurs us to lose the weight, to dump the debt, to find our dream job.
Dave Ramsey, says it all the time: “To get out of debt, you have to get angry. It’s the same thing with anything else. To make a change in your life, you might not need anger, but you’ll definitely need some type of passion and emotion to fuel you.”
The actions you made yesterday, a week ago, and years ago determine your today. What you plant today will decide your tomorrow. You can’t change the past or live in the future. You can only live in the NOW.
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But you can learn from the past and visualize your future. Get a clear mental picture of where you want to go and take action today to make it happen. What do the next 12 months have in store for you? What changes in your life now and how could that area of your life differ in 12 months? Again, a year from now you wish you would have started.
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