Welcome to the world of Internet Marketing Business. You are an entrepreneur. Are you ready to succeed? What is your reason why? Is it paying those bills, eliminating debts, leaving your job, or retiring your spouse? Are you ready to fight to reach your personal and financial goals?
You Have To Work
It requires work to become a cash-flowing internet marketer. Let go of the misconceptions of easy riches. Just like any other business, there will be pits and valleys. There will be days with no sales. You have to invest money! You have to learn how to market… hence internet marketing.
There is no cap on an entrepreneur. You will earn what your products or services rendered. No sales no money. You will gain experience on your journey. You learn two ways. From your experiences and from others. I have suffered from these pitfalls. Learn from my experience.
Avoid these 8.5 pitfalls:
Pitfall 1: No Clarity
A ship without a rudder just drifts until it hits something. No clarity means you are rolling with the tide. Get clear on where you want to go in internet marketing. Know why you are in this business. Know your destination.
Pitfall 2: No Personal Development
Self-education is important in your business. If you are not reading and listening to audio you are sabotaging your business. Leaders are readers. Everything you need to know about sales, marketing, and personal finance is in a book. If you are not attending training, events, and seminars quit now. Stop wasting time.
Pitfall 3: Not Enough Lead Generation
I struggled with this early in my business. How do you build your lists? How do you generate leads? Your focus is marketing. Newbies have a difficult time finding the right marketing strategies that fit their personality. Pick marketing methods that are compatible with your strengths and talents. Focus on 1-3 marketing techniques and master them. Outsource the rest.
Pitfall 4: Poor Sales Funnels
Poor sales funnels kill businesses. Are you tracking your conversions? Are you using a company’s sales funnel or your own? Do you have a generic offer and branded offer? This is where marketing and training comes in. You don’t know what you don’t know.
The best way to succeed early in your business is to model successful entrepreneurs. Swipe their funnels, sales copy, and emails. Model what they do and learn.
Don’t Be Lazy
Pitfall 5: No Follow-up
Do you have a follow-up system? Do you have the correct auto responder that caters to internet marketers? Who is up-selling your customers? Who is contacting your affiliates and downline when they join your business? Do you have a blog or newsletter that reminds them to buy? Is your message consistent?
I have had people read my emails for 6-12 months before they joined me. I have had real estate clients use bonus programs before they listed their homes. You follow up until they unsubscribe or die.
Pitfall 6: No Mastermind Group
To become a profitable speaker I joined Toast Masters International. I belong to a Think and Grow Rich Mastermind group because we share the same ideas. It’s lonely being an internet marketer. There is life without a computer. Joining a mastermind of successful entrepreneurs is essential to your business growth. Get around people who have been where you want to go.
FOCUS and NOT Shiny Objects
Pitfall 7: No Long-Term Focus: F.O.C.U.S. Follow One Course Until Successful. Back to PitFall #1, people fail due to a lack of clarity. Being an entrepreneur is a long-term goal. Your business blueprint needs a long-term plan. Do you plan on selling the business? Are you creating residual income? Will the money be used to start another business?
Read Related Article: F-O-C-U-S – Follow One Course Until Successful – Focus
Plans change, products, and services come and go. But your vision, clarity, and goals remain constant. Frustration comes around when you don’t know your destination. Think long-term in your internet business.
Pitfall 8: S.O.S.
S.O.S. please help me! I need that magic pill to succeed. Don’t get caught with S.O.S. (Shiny Object Syndrome). There are tons of products that promise riches without work. You will run out of money and shiny objects.
S.O.S. is one of the major reasons why people fail in internet marketing. They don’t follow their business plan. I made the same mistake. I mentioned earlier find marketing strategies that fit your personality. Master them, generate sales, and outsource the rest.
Pitfall 8.5 Instant Gratification
Don’t believe the misconceptions of easy riches online. It takes consistent action to succeed and create a cash-flowing business. It takes persistence to make a profit. This is not the lottery and even if you did win the lottery you have to wait 6-8 weeks to get your money. Develop the habit of delayed gratification.
Action Assignment
For the next 21 days, I challenge you to replace these pitfalls with new habits.
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