4.5 Ways to Find the Time to Build Your Home Business

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Busy… So What! Find the Time

I have a full-time job, I love my job, and I have medical benefits, a pension plan, and four weeks of vacation. Also, I get paid well. I run my real estate and online business part-time. As of today, my business makes just as much as my full-time job.

When you are starting you may have a full-time job, family, school, and other obligations that put you in a time crunch. You may get frustrated and overwhelmed.

The reason you started your home business was to generate extra income. If you discover that you have the quitter gene stop reading and go get a second job.

I want you to build your home business into an income-producing machine. I don’t know what your income goals are but I know you want consistent cash flow on a weekly or monthly basis.

find the time

Decide how much time you will spend on your business. How many hours per day will you have to market and generate sales? Perform income-producing activities each day.

Income-producing activities mean marketing, sales, following up, generated traffic, and leads. Despite popular belief shuffling paperwork, cleaning your desk, and playing Candy Crush Saga are not income-producing activities.

Here are 4.5 ways to find the time to build your home business part-time:

1. Make a clear decision on what your end result will be  Decide how much money you want to earn. Do you want to go full-time? Do you want to build it to sell it later? How much do you want to spend? How long do you plan on running your business? Will you have employees? Why are you in business?

2. Make a schedule – Decide on how many hours per day you will work on your business and then schedule it. Nothing happens until it is scheduled. Trains and planes run on a schedule. Movies run on a schedule. Multi-billion dollar corporations run on a schedule. Your home business needs a schedule. Your job has you on a schedule and I don’t think they have bounced a check yet.

I train my team to devote 3-5 hours per day to their home business. I tell them to create content for 1 hour, market for 1 hour, and do education for 1 hour. These core steps produce results.

3. Personal Development – Read for at least 15-30 minutes a day on personal development, marketing, sales, personal finance, and investing. Leaders are readers. Listen to audio when you are driving, exercising, or doing mundane things at work.

Turn your car or public transportation into your mobile university. Record yourself speaking, reading a book, or giving a presentation. When you have appointments arrive 20 minutes early to read or imagine yourself succeeding.

4. Breaks and Lunches – Use your lunch and break times to build your business. It’s your time and you should use it effectively. I have my MP3 player on all the time when I am at work and I get three 40-minute breaks at my job. This allows me to create content. I wrote this article on my lunch break. If I am not creating content, I read, follow up on emails, phone calls, or visualize my goals.

Refresh Time

4.5 Pompano Method – Focus on one task at a time. You will be less frustrated, and less overwhelmed. Use the Pompano method to run your home business. Get a timer. Do one task for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. Repeat the process again for another 25 minutes and take another 5-minute break. After 2 hours of working take a 30-minute break. It’s just that simple.

The goal is to get as much work done in 25 minutes. Every hour you will have a 10-minute break and after 2 hours you will take a 30-minute break. Keep doing this until you finish. (Test different time limits to see what works best for you).

I find it easier for me to work 50 minutes and then take a 10-minute break. After 2 hours I take a 30-minute lunch. I am more efficient in my work and I do not get frustrated. The key is to do only one thing at a time for those 25 or 50 minutes. Stop multi-tasking.

Put these ideas into action. Schedule the time for your home business and stick to it. Daily consistent action is the only formula to succeed.

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