Stop Your Toe Dipping: Toe Dippers Not Allowed

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Stop your toe dipping now! I don’t care for toe dippers. They waste your time, money and bring negativity into your business. Now you may ask what is “Toe Dipping”. Here is my interpretation. You may have your own and I would love to read them in the comment section below.

You know how you go to the pool, lake, or beach and you see people who dip their toes in. That is a toe dipper. They check the temperature of the water to “test” and see if it is safe to jump in. Never mind the fact they came to the water to get in and now a little adversity shows up and they get scared. That is a toe dipper.

People do the same in their business. They just dip their toe in to see if the “business” works. That’s just stupid. We don’t suffer from a lack of information. We can find out all the information we want on any company, niche, product, or service. A little due diligence goes a long way.

Recognize Toe Dippers

If you see a toe dipper enter on your team you should spot them immediately. They are the people sending you Skype messages, calling your phone three times a day, and hitting you up on Facebook. They ask you what is really the “secret”. I tell them The Secret is a book and video – go pick it up. These are the same people who have written 3 blogs in 2 months and wonder why they haven’t made any sales. They haven’t spent any money on marketing, they attended training, and will not show up to events.

Toe Dippers

Avoid these people at all costs. You are not a babysitter. You are a business owner, an entrepreneur, who brings value to the marketplace. Toe dippers are not committed as you are. They don’t have a major definite purpose with their business. They don’t have clarity and can’t make decisions.

I know toe dipping because I used to do it. I am speaking from my experience. I was always looking for the magic pill. That secret that will get me to millions without any work at all. I never had success when I looked for shortcuts. I was always frustrated, jealous, and bitter when it came to other people’s success. I wasn’t willing to do whatever it took to be successful. I was lazy. Proven methods were too slow for me and I thought I was smarter than everyone else.

Now could these people change into superstars? Yes, they can! I changed but it wasn’t until I decided to do so. It is not your duty to change them. You are a leader and you are there to grow your business and your team. You are a living example and your words of wisdom are all you can offer. You have other committed people waiting on you to lead.

Know These Toe Dippers

How to spot toe dippers? Here is a short list:

  1. They aren’t on the calls
  2. They don’t attend events
  3. They aren’t on the daily training
  4. They don’t show up to the office
  5. They complain that the system doesn’t work
  6. They won’t blog, shoot a video, or market
  7. They try to enroll others in their negativity
  8. They have not bought all the products
  9. They are not “All-In” Financially, Emotionally, or Physically
  10. They complain in the forum groups, in the office, and on Skype
  11. They don’t have clarity on where they want to go
  12. They don’t want to put in the work
  13. They want the Magic Pill
  14. They refuse to follow a proven method of success

Tell your team, employees, vendors, and partners that you will not accept any toe dippers. Toe dippers aren’t allowed in your business, relationships, or even on your Facebook page. People should be “All-In” and committed to personal and financial success.

Protect Your Business From Toe Dippers

Toe dippers don’t follow proven methods of success. They don’t listen to mentors. They prefer shortcuts. There are no shortcuts. Believe me, I have tried. I have wasted money, time, and friendships on the shortcuts.

If you tell a toe dipper to do something that you know works they will say that they don’t want to do that. Give me something else. Toe dippers don’t want to write a blog post, swipe email copy, make a short video, spend money on marketing, or make any phone calls.

Toe dipper spreads a lethal virus called “It does not work” or her sister’s “It’s too hard.” They say stuff like I ran one ad and did not get any sales. I shot 2 videos and no one signed up. The system doesn’t work for me. Why do I have to pay an affiliate fee? Why do I have to pay transaction fees on my commissions?

Toe Dippers are vampires and you need to protect your neck. You may have been one and you know the symptoms.

The simple truth is most people want the success of a business without the work. They rather work hard at their job for little pay than do the same with their business. They want the title of entrepreneur without the risk and it doesn’t work. Get clarity, get committed, and be on the lookout for toe dippers.

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